About Us

About Us

Waboos.ca or Waboos is a Indigenous owned company located on the Garden River First Nation, Ontario, Canada. Our Ojibway Team prides itself on supplying the tools for our Indigenous people to promote their businesses. Our suite of Websites and apps are Native specific or Indigenous specific content aimed at providing a access point for Non Natives or Non Indigenous users to learn and experience our beautiful culture. 

More Native Specific, Indigenous specific content website/apps from the Etribe Network are;

www.tomahawk141.com "Splitting the Airwaves Right Down the Middle Between Mainstream and The Rez" playing equal parts Indigenous artists and mainstream Non-Indigenous artists.

www.rezfox.ca "Live, Love, Learn"  Our 3L vision Live life to the fullest, Love unconditionally and Learn about other Cultures. Rezfox is a place of learning, a place to exchange ideas, a place to maybe even find love.

www.healersondemand.com a place where "Seekers" can find alternative medicines from "Healers" globally.